1. 〔文法で〕an article
    • 定[不定]冠詞
    • the definite [an indefinite] article
  1. a watch

    看視する watch; be on the lookout ((for))

  1. 看視人a person on guard; a lookout; a watch
  1. a Chinese poem;〔総称〕Chinese poetry
  1. a forceps ((複 forceps))
  1. (a) watch; watching

    監視する watch; keep watch ((on, over))

    • あの少年は監視する必要がある
    • The boy needs watching [to be watched].
    • あの窓をよく監視してくれ
    • Keep watch [an eye] on that window.
    • 監督は作業員に監視の目を光らせていた
    • The superintendent kept a close eye on the workers.
    • 囚人たちはいつも監視されていた
    • The prisoners were under constant surveillance.
  1. 監視委員会a watchdog commission
  1. 監視カメラa surveillance camera
  1. 監視所a lookout post; an observation point
  1. 監視船a patrol boat;《米》 a cutter
  1. 監視塔a watchtower
  1. 監視人a watchman
  1. 監視網a surveillance network
  1. 《文》 dissuasion
    • だれも父の軽率な行動を諫止できなかった
    • No one could 「persuade my father to refrain [《文》 dissuade my father] from rash conduct.

