1. nine
    • 左から九番目の窓
    • the ninth window from the left
  1. 1〔都市の〕a ward;〔ニューヨークの〕a borough
    • (東京の)北区
    • Kita City(▼東京23区の区はcityを用いているが,英字新聞などではwardとも訳す.また,英文手紙の住所としてはKita-kuが普通.政令指定都市の区はwardを用いている)
    • 都区内
    • within the 23 cities [wards] of Tokyo
  1. 2くかく(区画)くいき(区域)
    • 選挙区
    • an electoral district/a constituency
    • 全国区
    • the national [nation-wide] constituency/the Japan-at-large constituency
    • 地方区
    • a local constituency [electoral district]
    • 一人[二人]区
    • a single-[two-]seat district
    • 受け持ち区
    • a district in one's charge
    • 解放区
    • a liberated area
    • この路線は全線一区です
    • We charge a flat fare on this line.
    • 区営の図書館
    • a ward [city] library/a library run by a ward [city]
  1. 区議会区議会
  1. 区検察庁a local public prosecutor's office
  1. 区政the administration of a ward [city];ward [city] government
  1. 区長区長
  1. 区民the inhabitants of a ward [city];the city residents
  1. 区民税a city tax;〔東京都の特別区民税〕the Special City (Residents') Tax
  1. 区役所区役所
  1. 1〔言葉・表現の一区切り〕a phrase, an expression;〔2語以上の語の集まり〕a phrase
  1. 2〔俳句〕a haiku
    • 句を作る
    • compose [write] a haiku
    • この情景は句になる
    • This scene is a 「good theme [fit subject] for (a) haiku.
  1. 句動詞a phrasal verb
  1. 1〔苦しみ〕pain; suffering ⇒くつう(苦痛)
    • 苦あれば楽あり[苦は楽の種]
    • ((諺)) No cross, no crown./No pain, no gain.
    • 三重苦
    • a [one's] triple [threefold] handicap/〔比喩的に〕a triple burden
  1. 2〔心配,悩み〕worry, anxiety ((about))
    • 借金を苦にしていた
    • He was worried about his debt.
    • 貧乏なんか一向苦にしない
    • I don't mind poverty [being poor] at all.
    • 暑さなど苦にならない
    • Heat doesn't bother me.
    • 彼女は物事を苦にしない
    • She takes things in (her) stride./She doesn't let things get her down.
  1. 3〔骨折り〕trouble;《文》 toil
    • 苦もなく
    • with no trouble
    • 彼女は苦もなくその迷路を通り抜けた
    • She easily found her way out of the maze.

