1. 1〔わざとすること〕
    • あの時の彼の行動が偶然か作為かは判断しかねる
    • It is difficult to decide whether his action at the time was accidental or deliberate [intentional].
    • この統計には作為のあとが見られる
    • There is something contrived about these statistics.
    • 彼のアリバイは少々作為的な感じがする
    • His alibi seems a bit artificial.
  1. 2〔法律で,積極的な行為〕feasance; commission
  1. 作為犯a crime of commission
  1. 1〔故意〕an intention
    • それは作意あってしたことだ
    • He did it intentionally [on purpose].
  1. 2〔創作の意図〕a conception ((for a work));the intention ((of the artist))

