自営する do business on one's own

    自営の self-employed

    • 自営で料理屋をやっている
    • He runs 「a restaurant of his own [his own restaurant].
  1. 自営業者〔会社・商店の経営者〕an independent businessman;〔サラリーマンに対して独立して仕事をする人〕a self-employed person
  1. self-defense,《英》 self-defence; self-protection

    自衛する defend oneself

    • 自衛のために
    • in self-defense
  1. 自衛官a self-defense official
    • 陸上[海上/航空]自衛官
    • a Ground [a Maritime/an Air] Self-Defense Force official
  1. 自衛艦a Self-Defense Force ship
  1. 自衛権((exercise)) the right of self-defense
  1. 自衛手段((adopt)) a self-defense measure; measures for self-defense
  1. 自衛隊the Self-Defense Forces
    • 陸上[海上/航空]自衛隊
    • the Ground [Maritime/Air] Self-Defense Force
  1. 自衛力self-defense capacity [capability]

