1. a doctor;〔内科医〕a physician;〔開業医〕a (medical) practitioner;〔外科医〕a surgeon;〔専門医〕a specialist
    • 掛かりつけの医者
    • one's (regular [family]) doctor(▼home doctorとはいわない)
    • 町医者
    • a general practitioner ((略 G.P.))
    • 目が悪くて医者に掛かる
    • see [consult] a doctor about one's eye trouble
    • 医者に掛かっている
    • be under 「medical treatment [a doctor's care]
    • 彼女の病気は医者に掛けても無駄だ
    • Her illness is past medical help [treatment].
    • 医者を呼びにやる[行く]
    • send [go] for a doctor
    • 父は医者をしている
    • My father 「practices medicine [is a doctor].
    • 彼は昨年医者を開業した
    • He began practicing as a doctor last year.
    • あの医者ははやっている
    • That doctor has a large practice.
  1. 医者の不養生A physician often neglects his own health.

