1. an earthquake; a temblor;〔小規模の〕a [an earth] tremor
    • 海底[火山]地震
    • a submarine [volcanic] earthquake
    • 群発地震
    • a series of earthquakes
    • 直下型地震
    • an epicentral earthquakean earthquake with a vertical shock
    • 地震前における動物の異常行動
    • anomalous animal behavior before an earthquake
    • 地震を感じる
    • feel 「an earthquake [an earth tremor]
    • 今朝かなりの[弱い]地震があった
    • We had 「a pretty strong earthquake [a slight tremor] this morning.
    • 先日の地震はマグニチュード5を記録した
    • The recent earthquake registered 5 on the Richter scale.
  1. 地震学seismology [saizmάlədʒi|-mɔ́l-]
  1. 地震学者a seismologist
  1. 地震活動seismic activity
    • 最近地震活動が活発化している
    • Seismic activity has been increasing recently.
  1. 地震観測所a seismological observatory
  1. 地震計a seismometer; a seismograph
  1. 地震研究所an earthquake research institute
  1. 地震国a country subject to frequent earthquakes
  1. 地震ゾーニングseismic zoning
  1. 地震帯an earthquake zone [belt]
  1. 地震対策earthquake countermeasures ((通例複数形));earthquake preparedness
    • 地震対策が必要だ
    • We need to be prepared for [in case of] an earthquake.
  1. 地震調査研究推進本部the Headquarters of Earthquake Research Promotion
  1. 地震波a seismic wave
  1. 地震防災対策特別措置法the Special Measure Law on Earthquake Disaster Prevention
  1. 地震予知predicting earthquakes
    • 地震予知連絡会
    • the Coordinating Committee for Earthquake Prediction
  1. 地震列島an island chain with frequent earthquakes/〔日本〕earthquake-prone Japan

