1. 1〔おおよその事〕
    • 覚え書きの大体は次の如くである
    • The purport of the memorandum is as follows.
    • 大体の筋を述べなさい
    • Summarize [Give the outline of] the story.
    • 大体の見積もり
    • a rough estimate
    • 大体の計画を立てる
    • make a general plan
    • だれがやったのか大体の見当はついている
    • I have a pretty good idea who did it.
  1. 2〔ほとんど〕almost
    • 仕事は大体終わった
    • I have almost finished the work.
    • 大体話がまとまった
    • We have practically come to an agreement.
    • 君の考えは大体僕のと同じだ
    • Your idea is about the same as mine.
    • この辺の気候は大体温和だ
    • The climate in this area is generally mild.
    • 結果は大体満足のいくものだった
    • The results were on the whole satisfactory.
    • 彼らは大体親切だ
    • Most of them are kind.
  1. 3〔全く〕
    • 大体けしからん話だ
    • This is absolutely [simply] unpardonable.
  1. 4〔元来,そもそも〕
    • それは大体日本人が発明したものである
    • It was originally invented by a Japanese.
    • あの男は大体怠け者で困るんだ
    • The problem is that he is lazy by nature.
    • 大体親が間違っているんだ
    • It's really the parents who are to blame.

