1. 1〔道徳上よくない〕bad;〔邪悪な〕evil, wicked
    • いたずらばかりして悪い子だ
    • He is a very bad boy, always up to mischief.
    • 年寄りの金を盗むなんて悪いやつだ
    • What a horrible [wicked] man, to steal money from an old woman!
    • 悪い世の中だ
    • We live in a corrupt world.
  1. 2〔間違っている〕
    • 「悪かった」と謝りなさい
    • Admit you were wrong.
    • 君が早く報告しないから悪いんだ
    • It is your fault for not telling me sooner.
    • 彼は心掛けが悪かったんだよ
    • He should have been better prepared.
    • だれが悪いのでもない
    • No one is to blame.
    • 私の英語に悪いところがあったら直してください
    • Please correct (the mistakes [errors] in) my English.
    • どっちの運転手が悪かったのか
    • Which driver was at fault?
  1. 3〔劣っている〕
    • 頭が悪い
    • He is slow./He is not clever [bright].
    • 顔が悪い女
    • 「an ugly [a plain] woman
    • 英語の成績が悪い
    • 《米》 He gets bad grades in English./《英》 He has poor marks for English.
    • この家は造りが悪い
    • This house is poorly built.
    • この包丁は切れ味が悪い
    • This knife doesn't cut well.
  1. 4〔ひどい・正常でない〕bad
    • 悪いものを買わされた
    • I have made a bad buy./I have been swindled.
    • 彼らは仲が悪い
    • They don'tget along with each other [get on together].
    • 雨が降って道が悪くなった
    • The roads are in bad [poor] condition because of the rain.
    • このICレコーダーは調子が悪い
    • This digital voice recorder 「isn't working (properly) [is acting up]./Something is wrong with this digital voice recorder.
    • 水[水道]の出が悪い
    • The water doesn't run smoothly.
    • ご飯が悪くなった
    • This cooked rice has gone bad.
    • このお菓子もまんざら悪くないね
    • These cakes are 「not so bad [pretty good] (after all).
  1. 5〔不快な〕
    • 彼とけんかをしたので一日中気分が悪かった
    • My quarrel with him left me with 「an unpleasant feeling [a bad taste in my mouth] all day.
    • ほめられて悪い気持ちはしない
    • I don't mind being praised./I can take a compliment.
    • 悪く思わないでください
    • Don't think badly of me.
  1. 6〔悪意のある〕
    • 人のことを悪く言う
    • speak ill of a person
    • 人のことを悪く思う
    • think bad [nasty] things about a person/think badly of a person/have a poor opinion of a person
  1. 7〔有害である〕bad
    • お酒の飲み過ぎは体に悪い
    • Drinking too much is bad for you.
    • この映画は子供に悪い
    • This film is harmful to children.
    • パソコンを長時間使っていると目に悪い
    • Working at a computer for a long time (at a stretch) is bad for your eyes.
  1. 8〔体の具合がよくない〕
    • 父はとても悪いんです
    • My father is seriously ill.
    • どこか悪そうですね
    • You look ill.
    • 今日はちょっと加減が悪い
    • I'm not quite myself today.
    • 食べ過ぎて胃の調子が悪い
    • I have upset my stomach by eating too much.
    • 気分が悪い
    • I don't feel well.
    • 今日はコンディションが悪そうだ
    • He doesn't seem to be in top condition today.
  1. 9〔都合がよくない〕
    • 君に悪い知らせがある
    • I have bad news for you.
    • 今日は都合が悪いから明日来てくれ
    • Sorry, but I'm busy today. Please come again tomorrow.
    • 悪いことに彼とばったり出合った
    • Unfortunately, I ran into him.
    • 悪い時に来たようだな
    • I seem to have come at a bad moment.
  1. 10〔思わしくない〕bad
    • 悪い天気
    • bad [foul] weather
    • 運が悪かった
    • I had bad luck./I was unlucky.
    • 今日は一日,日が悪かった
    • I have had a bad day.
    • 我々にとっては悪い政治だ
    • The government is run contrary to our interests.
    • どこも景気が悪い
    • Business is slow [bad] everywhere.
    • この製品は売れ行きが悪い
    • This product doesn't sell well.
  1. 11〔申し訳ない〕
    • あの人には悪いことをした
    • I was unkind [mean] to him.
    • 待たせると悪いから,先に行ってください
    • I shouldn't keep you waiting, so go on ahead.
    • 彼には悪いけど先に行こう
    • I'm sorry about it, but we'd better go ahead without him.
    • 悪いけどテレビの音を少し下げてくれ
    • Sorry [Excuse me], but please turn the TV down a bit.
    • うちの娘に悪い虫が付いたらしい
    • My daughter seems to have taken up with an unsavory type.
    • 悪いようにはしないよ
    • I'll see that you don't lose anything by it.
    • 悪いようにはしないから言う通りにしろ
    • I won't let you get hurt by it, so just do as I tell you.

