1. 〔旅客の〕a (passenger) fare;〔貨物の〕freight (rates [charges]),《英》 carriage
    • 東京から京都までの運賃はいくらですか
    • What is the fare from Tokyo to Kyoto?
    • 運賃は当方で負担します
    • We pay the freight [shipping]./〔掲示〕Carriage Free
    • 割引運賃
    • a reduced fare
    • 鉄道運賃が5%上がった
    • Railroad [《英》 Rail(way)] fares were raised five percent.
    • 運賃支払い済み
    • freight [carriage] paid
  1. 運賃後払いfreight to collect
  1. 運賃協定a fares agreement
  1. 運賃込み値段cost and freight ((略 C&F));the cost with freight charges included
  1. 運賃先[受取人]払いfreight forward; freight payable at destination
  1. 運賃保険料込み値段cost, insurance and freight ((略 CIF));the cost with insurance and freight charges included
  1. 運賃表〔鉄道の〕a table of railroad fares;〔貨物の〕a table of freight charges
  1. 運賃前払いfreight prepaid [paid in advance]
  1. 運賃率freight [goods] rates; a carriage rate

