go through fire (and water)
go [jump] through hoops
go through one's paces
=show one's PACEs
go through the cellar
go [put A] through the mill
go through the motions of ...
go through the roof
((略式))1 頭にくる,かっとなる2 〈価格などが〉急騰する
go through with
go to A's head
((略式))1 〈酒が〉A(人)に回る[を酔わせる]2 〈成功・賞賛などが〉A(人)を酔わせる[いい気にさせる,う...
go (to) any length(s)
Go to Bath!
go to bed
1 寝る,就寝する(⇒sleep[類語])1a (…と)寝る,性交する≪with≫2 印刷に回される
go to great [a lot of] expense to do
go [run] to ground
1 〈キツネなどが〉穴に逃げ込む2 ((英))(警察などから)身を隠す
Go to Halifax!
((略式))地獄に落ちろ,どうにでもなれ(◆英国の Halifax では軽犯罪でも首をはねたことから)
go to [through] hell and back
go to hell in a handbasket
Go to hell!
1 放っておいて[かまわないで]くれ2 (激怒して)死ね,くたばれ,ちくしょう
go to it
go to law
go to lunch
go to market
1 ⇒名12 ((略式))やってみる
go to (one's) glory
go to [meet] one's Maker
go to pot
go to [fall into] rack and ruin
go to scale
go to sea
1 航海に出る2 船乗りになる
go to see a man about a dog
go [run] to seed
1 〈植物・野菜が〉種子[実]ができ始める2 〈人が〉(加齢などで)とうが立つ,容姿[体]が衰える2a 〈場所・活...
go to sleep
1 寝入る(go asleep)2 ((略式))〈手足などが〉感覚を失うHis right arm had gon...
go to the bad
go to the bowwows
go [appeal] to the country
go to the devil
1 ((やや古))完全に失敗する,破滅する2 〔命令文で〕((略式))くたばれ,こんちくしょう
go to the dogs
go to the ends of the earth
go to the greenwood
go to the length of doing
go to the mat with A
1 (レスリングなどで)A(人)と争う2 A(人)と激しく議論する
go to the pack
go to the stake
1 火あぶりになる2 ((英))(主義などを)命がけで守る≪for,over≫
go to the toilet
go to the wall
((略式))1 (競争などで)負ける;((英))〈会社などが〉事業に失敗する,(破産して)つぶれる1a (無用とし...
go to town
go to war
1 〈国が〉(…と)戦争を始める≪against,with≫2 出征する
go [stand] toe to toe
go toes up
go together
(自)1 〈人が〉一緒に行く;〈事が〉同時に生じる,相伴う2 〈人が〉気が合う;〈物・事が〉つり合う,〈色などが〉...
go too far