take some doing
take some [a lot] of doing
take soundings
1 水深を測る2 さぐりを入れる
take stock
1 在庫調査をする,棚卸しをする2 (情勢・見込みなどを)よく検討する≪of≫3 (人を)じろじろ見る,せんさくす...
take [put] stock in A
1 Aの株を買う2 〔通例否定文で〕((略式))Aを信じる,信頼[信用]する;Aを重んじる
take ten
Take that!
Take that!
take the air
take the bad with the good
take the bear by the tooth
take the biscuit
take [get, have] the bit in [between] one's teeth
1 〈馬が〉はみをくわえてあばれる2 頑として言うことを聞かない;決然として熱心に事に当たる
take the bread out of [from] A's mouth
take the bull by the horns
take the cake
((特に米略式))最悪[最低]だ(((英))take the biscuit)
take the chill off A
take [suffer, bear, face] the consequences
take the count
take the edge off A
1 A(刃物)の刃をなまらせる2 A(味・言い方など)を柔らげる,穏やかにする;A(痛みなど)を和らげる
take the fall
take the field
1 ⇒名32 (フットボール・野球などで)競技を始める3 行動を開始する
take [plead] the Fifth
take the floor
1 ダンスをするために立ち上がる;ダンスに加わる2 発言のために起立する;討論に加わる
take the gauge of A
take the gilt off the gingerbread
take the [some, a lot of] heat
take [turn] the heat off A
take the heat out of A
take the high [low] road
take the King's [the Queen's] shilling
take the law into one's own hands
take the lead
1 ⇒名1a2 主導する,リーダー格となる;率先垂範する
take [blow, rip] the lid off A
take the mickey out of A
take the path [the line] of least resistance
take the piss (out of ...)
take the place of A
take [sign] the pledge
take the plunge
take the risk of A [doing]
take the rough with the smooth
take the shine off A
((略式))1 A(人)の顔色をなくす,精彩を失わせる2 A(事態など)をだめにする,台なしにする
take [shoot] the sun
take the waters
take the weight off one's feet
take the wind out of [from] A's sails
take the words (right) out of A's mouth
take time
時間が(長く)かかるThe cashier takes too much time.あのレジ係は仕事が遅すぎる
take time by the forelock