1. I〔風の方向〕the direction of the wind
    • 風向きがよい[悪い]
    • The wind is favorable [unfavorable].
    • 風向きを調べよう
    • Let's see which way the wind is blowing.
    • 風向きが南から西に変わった
    • The wind has changed [shifted] from the south to the west.
  1. II
  1. 1〔形勢〕the situation; things
    • 風向きがよい
    • The situation is favorable.
    • 風向きが悪く[よく]なってきた
    • Things are turning 「against us [in our favor].
    • 景気の風向きが変わってきた
    • Business conditions are beginning to change.
    • 彼女は直ちに風向きを見てとった
    • She saw immediately which way the wind was blowing.
  1. 2〔機嫌〕
    • 風向きが悪い
    • be in 「a bad temper [an ill humor]
    • 彼の風向きが悪くならないうちに退散しよう
    • Let's clear out before he loses his temper.

