1. 〔長さ・期間など〕shortening;〔数量など〕(a) reduction;《文》 (a) curtailment

    短縮する shorten; reduce;〔切りつめる〕curtail, cut (down) ((on))

    • 労働時間の短縮
    • a reduction in working hours
    • 操業短縮
    • acutback in [curtailment of] operations
    • 新しい鉄道ができて,半島一周旅行が3時間短縮された
    • The new railroad shortened [reduced] the time needed for a tour around the peninsula by three hours.
    • 7月10日から授業を短縮して行う
    • School hours will be shortened beginning on July 10.
    • 授業時間は45分に短縮された
    • The length of a class period was cut to forty-five minutes.
    • 記事を200語に短縮させられた
    • I was made 「to condense my article into [to cut my article down to] two hundred words.
  1. 短縮形〔文法で〕a contracted form; a contraction
  1. 短縮授業shortened school hours
  1. 短縮ダイヤルabbreviated [speed] dialing
    • 短縮ダイヤルボタン
    • ((push)) a speed dial button

