1. 1〔どろ〕mud
  1. 2〔塗料〕paint
  1. 1〔水の混じった土〕mud; dirt
    • 泥だらけの
    • muddy/covered with mud [dirt]
    • 泥だらけ[泥まみれ]になる
    • get muddy/be smeared [covered] with mud [dirt]
    • 車は私に泥をはねて通り過ぎた
    • A car passed, splashing mud over me.
    • 泥の中にはまり込む
    • get stuck in the mud
    • 靴の泥を落とす
    • scrape the mud from [off] one's shoes
  1. 2どろぼう(泥棒)
    • こそ泥
    • a sneak thief
  1. 泥のように眠るsleep like a log
    • よし,私が泥をかぶろう
    • 〔嫌な役をする〕I'll do the dirty work./〔責任を一人でとる〕OK, I'll take the blame.
    • 彼は親の顔に泥を塗った
    • He 「disgraced his parents [《文》 besmirched his parents' name].
    • 彼はとうとう泥を吐いた
    • He confessed (to) his crime at last./《口》 He owned up at last.
  1. 泥足muddy [dirty] feet
  1. 泥遊びplaying in the mud
  1. 泥海a muddy sea
  1. 泥絵の具泥絵の具
  1. 泥落とし〔玄関の〕a doormat; a scraper(▼doormatは靴の汚れを落とすマットで,scraperは靴底にこびりついた泥をこすり落とす金具)
    • 泥落としで靴をぬぐう
    • wipe one's shoes on a doormat
  1. 泥靴muddy shoes;〔長靴〕muddy boots
    • 泥靴で建物内に入る
    • enter a building with muddy shoes
  1. 泥はねsplashes of mud
  1. 泥まんじゅう((make)) a mud pie
  1. 泥水泥水
  1. 泥道a muddy road
  1. 泥よけ〔車などの〕a fender; a mudguard

