1. 1〔準備〕preparations ((for));〔段取り〕arrangements
    • 式典の支度はすべてできた
    • All the preparations for the ceremony have been completed.
    • 団体旅行の支度は皆旅行社がやってくれる
    • A travel agency will make all the arrangements for a group tour.
    • もう夕食の支度はできたかしら
    • I wonder if supper is ready by now?
  1. 2〔装備〕equipment; (an) outfit
    • 登山の支度
    • an outfit for mountain climbing
    • 探検隊は支度が十分でなかった
    • The expedition was not adequately equipped.
    • 花嫁の支度
    • a bride's trousseau [trúːsou] ((複 -seaux [-souz], ~s))
  1. 3〔身なりを整えること〕
    • 彼女は支度が長いんだ
    • She takes a long time to get dressed [ready].
    • 外出の支度をする
    • get ready to go out
  1. 支度金money to cover the cost of 「getting ready [preparing] ((for));〔移転の〕a moving allowance
    • 海外出張の支度金
    • money provided to cover the cost of preparing for an overseas business trip
  1. 支度部屋a dressing room;〔相撲の〕a dressing [warm-up] room (for sumo wrestlers)

