1. 1〔利益〕(a) profit; (a) gain
    • 利を収める
    • make a profit
    • 利にさとい
    • He has a quick eye for profit./He is very alert to his own interests.
  1. 2〔都合のよいこと〕(an) advantage
    • この砦とりでは地の利を得ている
    • This fortress has the advantage of being in a strategic position.
    • 形勢,我に利あらず
    • The odds [chances] are against us.
  1. 3〔利子〕interest
    • 利が利を生んで元金が倍になった
    • Interest bore interest and doubled the principal.
  1. 利に走る〔利益ばかりを追い過ぎる〕think only of profit

