persevering(ly), patient(ly);〔飽きることなく〕untiring(ly)
- 彼女は根気よくミシンをかけた
- She worked untiringly at the sewing machine.
- 報告を全部読み直すだけの根気はなかった
- I didn't have the perseverance to read through the entire report.
- 彼女のぐちを黙って聞いているだけの根気はなかった
- I didn't have the patience to listen quietly to her complaints.
- セーターを編むには根気がいる
- It takes perseverance to knit a sweater.
- 彼は根気よく努力しないから成功しない
- He doesn't succeed because he does not persevere in his efforts.