1. I
  1. 1〔押し当てて支える〕
    • 蝶番ちょうつがいの取れた扉を棒で突っ張っておいた
    • We 「propped up [supported] with a stick the door which had come off its hinges.
  1. 2〔相撲で〕
    • 両力士は激しく突っ張り合った
    • The two wrestlers exchanged violent arm thrusts.
  1. 3〔筋肉が強く張る〕
    • 足の筋肉が突っ張っている
    • My leg muscles are stiff./I have cramps in my leg muscles.
  1. II
  1. 1〔意地や主張を押し通す〕
    • 突っ張るのもいい加減にしないとね
    • You shouldn't insist on having your way so obstinately [stubbornly].
  1. 2〔抵抗する,虚勢を張る〕
    • 中学生の時は学校に対して突っ張ったものだ
    • When I was a junior high school student, I was always trying to defy the school authorities.
    • あの子たちは突っ張っているだけですよ
    • Those boys are only trying to look defiant.
  1. 3〔非行掛かる〕
    • 突っ張った学生は服装で分かる
    • You can tell by their clothes which students are on the brink of delinquency.

