1. 1しり(尻)
  1. 2びり
  1. けつの穴が小さい〔けちな〕miserly;〔狭量の〕narrow-minded
  1. けつを捲るtake a threatening attitude when 「driven into a corner [cornered]
  1. 1〔人間の腰〕the hips(▼a hipは一方をさす);〔背部の隆起した部分〕the backside,《文》 the buttocks,《口》 the bottom, the rear,《口》 the behind,《米口》 one's butt,《英俗》 one's bum
    • 尻が大きい
    • be big in the hips/have a big butt
    • 彼は息子の尻を平手でたたいた
    • 〔罰として〕He spanked his son./He smacked 「his son's bottom [his son on the behind].(▼spankedは数回,smackedは一回)
    • ダンサーはお尻を振って踊った
    • The dancer wiggled [swayed] her hips.
  1. 2〔牛などのしり肉〕the rump
  1. 3〔底,端〕
    • 徳利の尻
    • the bottom of a sake bottle
    • 糸の尻を結ぶ
    • put a knot in the end of a thread/knot the end of a thread
    • ズボンの尻が抜けそうだ
    • The seat of my trousers [《米》 pants] is almost worn through./My trousers are almost worn out in the seat.
  1. 4〔衣服のすそ〕
  1. 5〔後〕
    • 彼はクラスのどん尻にいる
    • He is at the bottom of his class.
    • 100メートル競走で尻から2番目だった
    • He was 「next to last [《英》 the last but one] in the hundred-meter dash.
    • 列の尻にいる
    • be 「last in [at the tail end of the] line
    • その子は母親の尻に付いてまわった
    • The child followed his mother wherever she went.
    • 彼は尻の暖まる暇もなく転勤になった
    • He was transferred again before he got used to the work.
    • 尻が暖まる暇もない
    • He is always busy [on the move].
    • 彼女は尻が落ち着かない
    • She is restless [flighty]./She never sits still for long.
    • あの人は尻が重い
    • He is slow toget moving [act].
    • 彼女は尻が軽い
    • 〔軽薄〕She is imprudent [heedless/indiscreet]./〔移り気〕She is fickle./〔身持ちが悪い〕She sleeps around./《俗》 She's an easy lay.
    • 仕事に尻が据わってきた
    • He is quite settled in his job.
  1. 尻が長いstay on and on
    • あいつは尻が長い
    • He never knows when to leave.
    • 尻が割れて町にいられなくなった
    • What he had done came to light, and he had to leave town.
    • 亭主を尻に敷いている
    • She dominates [henpecks] her husband./She's got her husband 「under her thumb [firmly in control].
    • 女房の尻に敷かれた男
    • a henpecked husband
    • 尻に火がつくまで仕事をやらないんだから
    • You never get down to work 「until you are really pressed [till the last moment].
    • 連中は尻に帆を掛けて逃げていった
    • They took to their heels.
    • あいつは尻の穴が小さいやつだ
    • 〔金銭的に〕He's a real skinflint./〔心が狭い〕He's a petty-minded little fellow.
    • 女の尻を追い回す
    • chase women
  1. 尻を落ち着ける〔定住する〕settle (down) ((in));〔腰を据える〕settle down ((in, to)) ⇒おちつく(落ち着く)
    • じっくりと尻を据えて仕事をする
    • work steadily [seriously]
  1. 尻をたたく〔励ます〕encourage ((a person to do));〔催促する〕press [urge] ((a person to do))
  1. 尻を拭うしりぬぐい(尻拭い)
  1. 尻をまくるtake a defiant attitude
    • 自分の失敗なのに彼は尻をまくって居直った
    • He tried to brazen it out even though it was his mistake.
  1. 尻を向けるturn one's back ((on a person))

