1. 〔金属表面の酸化物〕rust;〔青銅器の古さび〕(a) patina
    • さびをこすり落とす
    • rub off the rust
  1. 身から出た錆((諺)) Having made one's bed, one must lie on it./You'll just have to stew in your own juice./You've only yourself to thank for this mess.
  1. 錆色reddish brown
  1. 錆止め〔方法〕rust prevention;〔さび止め剤〕a rust preventive, anti-rust paint
  2. 錆止めさび止め(を)する proof ((a thing)) against rust;《米》 rustproof ((a thing))
    • さび止めをした
    • rustproof/rust-resistant
    • この銀器にはさび止めがしてある
    • This silverware has been treated with a tarnish preventive.

