切れ切れの 〔断片的な〕fragmentary;〔つながりのない〕disconnected
切れ切れに in pieces; in fragments
- 切れ切れに裂く
- tear to pieces/〔寸断する〕tear into shreds
- 古い綱は切れ切れになった
- The old rope fell to pieces.
- 切れ切れの会話が聞こえた
- I overheard bits [fragments] of a conversation.
- 彼は切れ切れに話をした
- He spoke disconnectedly [in fragments].
- 私は彼の声を切れ切れに聞いた
- I heard snatches of his voice.
- 彼のいびきがしばらく続いていたがやがて切れ切れになった
- His snoring continued for some time, but presently it became intermittent.