1. 1〔端,終わり〕 ((at)) the end ⇒はし(端)
    • 9月の末に
    • at the end of September
  1. 2〔あげく〕
    • はげしい議論の末,ようやく結論を出した
    • They reached a conclusion at last after a heated discussion.
    • 口論の末取っ組み合いになった
    • The quarrel ended in a scuffle.
  1. 3〔将来〕the future
    • お宅のお嬢さんは本当に末が楽しみですね
    • You must be looking forward to seeing what your daughter accomplishes in the future.
    • 末はりっぱな医者になるだろう
    • He shows promise of becoming a great doctor.
  1. 4〔末っ子〕
    • これが末の息子です
    • This is my youngest son.
  1. 5〔末世〕
    • 世も末だ
    • What is the world coming to?/We are indeed living in a degenerate age.
    • 福祉予算が削られるようでは世も末だ
    • It is a poor state of affairs when the welfare budget can be cut.
  1. 6〔重要でないこと〕
    • そんな問題は末の末だ
    • That is a peripheral matter./That hardly matters at all.

