1. 1〔限定,最低の限度〕only; merely; just; but
    • これができるのは君だけだ
    • 「You alone [Nobody but you/You are the only one who] can do this.
    • 午前中だけそれを借りていいですか
    • May [Could] I borrow it just for the morning?
    • 新聞だけでなく週刊誌にも出ていた
    • It was reported not only in the newspapers but also in the weekly magazines.
    • 東京だけでもそのような事件は10件あった
    • There were ten such cases in Tokyo alone.
    • 「ごめん」と一言だけでも言ってほしかった
    • I wish you had said at least [even] one word of apology.
    • 言ってみただけだ
    • I only said it (but did not mean it).
    • 一目見ただけでその家が気に入った
    • I was taken with the house at first sight.
    • そう言った[それを見た]だけで彼は怒った
    • The mere suggestion [sight] of it made him angry.
    • 一回見せてくれるだけでいい
    • You need only to let me have a glance at it.
    • やるだけはやってみなさい
    • At any rate, give it a try.
    • 一度上司と対立しただけで彼は降格になった
    • He was demoted just [simply] because he disagreed with his boss once.
    • その場にいたというだけで彼が犯人ということにはならない
    • Just because he was there, that doesn't make him the guilty party.
  1. 2〔程度〕
    • 彼はかせいだだけ使う
    • He spends as much as he earns.
    • 言うだけのことは言ったほうがよい
    • It is better to 「say what you have to say [speak your piece].
  1. 3〔限定された分量〕
    • 私は月に2万円だけは貯金したい
    • I want to save at least twenty thousand yen every month.
    • 10センチだけ余る[足りない]
    • It is too long [short] by ten centimeters.
    • りんごは一つだけ余る
    • There is one apple too many.
    • 私より二つだけ若い
    • She is two years younger than I am.
    • みそを500円分だけください
    • Give me 500 yen's worth of miso.
  1. 4〔「…だけの…はある,…だけあって,…だけに」の形で,…にふさわしい〕
    • それは言う[読む]だけの価値がある
    • It is worth saying [reading].
    • 努力しただけのことはあった
    • His efforts were rewarded.
    • さすが彼女だけあって立派にやった
    • As might have been expected (of her), she did a good job of it.
    • 苦労しただけに人生経験を積んでいる
    • As he has seen [gone through] many difficulties, he knows a lot about life.
    • 自慢するだけあって見事だ
    • He may well boast of it; it is (really) superb.
  1. 5〔「…だけに」の形で,だから,なおさら〕
    • 予想しなかっただけに一層うれしかった
    • We were all the more delighted because we had not expected it.
  1. 6〔比例を表して,…につれて,…するほど〕
    • 安ければ安いだけよい
    • The cheaper, the better.
    • 生活水準が高くなるだけ出費もかさむ
    • Expenses will increase as the standard of living rises.

