1. 1〔礼儀正しいこと〕politeness;〔丁重で親切なこと〕courteousness

    丁寧な polite; courteous ((to));〔うやうやしい〕respectful;《文》 deferential;〔礼儀にかなった〕civil

    • 丁寧にさよならを言って出て行った
    • Saying good-bye politely, he went out.
    • 丁寧な口のきき方をする
    • He has a polite manner of speaking./He is polite [courteous] in speaking.
    • 彼は丁寧に名刺を受け取った
    • He took my card courteously [respectfully].
    • 心のこもったものの言い方ではないが,少なくとも丁寧だ
    • There is no warmth in his manner of speaking, but he is at least civil.
  1. 2〔注意深い,念入りな〕丁寧な(に) careful(ly)
    • 人形を丁寧に紙に包んだ
    • She carefully wrapped the doll in paper.
    • 彼は丁寧に説明してくれた
    • He gave me a detailed [careful] explanation of it.
    • 彼は何事も丁寧にする
    • He is 「conscientious in [careful about] everything.
  1. 丁寧語polite language

