1. 1〔めんどうを見ること〕care;〔助力〕help
    • 病人の世話をする
    • take care of a patient/「attend to [look after] a sick person
    • その施設では母親のいない子供を5人世話している
    • The institution has the care of five motherless children.
    • その少年は私の伯母の世話になっている
    • The boy isunder the care of [dependent on] my aunt./My aunt has the boy under her charge.
    • 伯父には金銭上の世話になった
    • I had financial [monetary] help from my uncle.
    • たいそうお世話(様)になりました
    • Thank you for your (kind) help [assistance].
    • 息子はその婦人にたいへんお世話になった
    • My son owes that woman a great deal.
    • 東京に滞在中はいろいろお世話になり,ありがとうございました
    • Thank you for 「everything you did for me during my stay [all your kindness while I was] in Tokyo.
  1. 2〔やっかい,迷惑〕
    • 他人にあまり世話を掛けないように
    • Try not to bother others./You must not give others too much trouble.
    • お世話を掛けてすみませんが…
    • I'm sorry to trouble you, but...
  1. 3〔紹介,斡旋あっせん
    • よい医者を世話してください
    • Please help me find a good doctor./Could you introduce me to a good doctor?
    • 彼は親切にもよい就職口を世話してくれた
    • He kindly found a good job [position] for me.
    • 大きなお世話だ
    • It's none of your business./Mind your own business.
    • 君はいつも自分で自分をほめるんだから世話がない
    • You're really impossible! You're always singing your own praises.
    • うちの息子は本当に世話が焼ける[焼けない]
    • Our son 「gives us a lot of [doesn't give us any] trouble.
    • 彼女はよく弟の世話を焼く
    • She takes good care of her little brother.
    • 若い人たちは世話を焼かれるのを嫌がる
    • Young people don't want others to meddle in their affairs.
  1. 世話狂言a Kabuki play dealing with the everyday life of commoners
  1. 世話好きa person who likes to do things for others
  1. 世話女房a [the] perfect housewife
  1. 世話人a manager; an agent
  1. 世話物a genre in Kabuki or joruri dealing with the domestic life of common people
  1. 世話焼き〔人の世話が好きな人〕an obliging [accommodating] person;〔おせっかい〕a busybody
  1. 世話役a manager; an organizer
    • この会の世話役は鈴木さんです
    • Mr. Suzuki is in charge of this association.

