1. 1〔仕切った境〕a dividing line, a boundary;〔部屋などを仕切るもの〕a partition; a divider ⇒しきる(仕切る)1
    • 小川が彼の土地と私の土地の仕切りになっている
    • A brook forms [serves as] the boundary between his land and mine.
    • 仕切りのあるかばん
    • a bag with compartments
  1. 2〔決算〕settlement of accounts
  1. 3〔相撲で〕
    • 仕切りに入る
    • poise oneself for the jump-off [initial charge]
  1. 仕切り書[状]an invoice; a statement of accounts
  1. 仕切り帳an invoice book
  1. 仕切り値段an invoice price
  1. 仕切り売買transactions on the dealer's terms

