1. 1〔普通よりたくさん〕
    • 人より余計練習した
    • I practiced more than the others.
    • 海に面した部屋は余計に取られる
    • You'll have to pay extra for a room facing the sea.
  1. 2〔余り,余分〕余計な too many [much]; surplus

    余計に too much

    • 電話料金を500円余計に請求された
    • I was billed 500 yen 「too much [extra] for my phone use.
    • このゲームには私1人余計なのではないかしら
    • Won't I make one too many for this game?
    • 余計な金はない
    • I have no money to spare.
  1. 3〔無駄,不要〕
    • 余計なお世話だ
    • Mind your own business.
    • 余計なことだが,もう少し体を大切にしなさい
    • I know it's none of my business, but I wish you would take better care of yourself.
    • 余計なことをしゃべるから事を荒立てるのだ
    • You make matters worse by saying unnecessary things.
    • 余計な心配はしないでくれ,何とかするから
    • Don't worry about me. I'll 「manage (somehow) [be all right].
  1. 4〔いっそう,ますます〕
    • 見るなと言われると余計(に)見たくなる
    • When we are told not to look, we become all the more eager to look.
    • 年をとるほど余計に彼は頑固になった
    • The older he became, the more obstinate he became.
  1. 余計者a fifth wheel
    • この家で私は余計者だった
    • I was a nuisance in the family.

