1. 1〔最初に〕first (of all);〔何よりも〕above all
    • まず第一に事故の原因について調べてみよう
    • In the first place [First of all/To begin with], let's investigate the cause of the accident.
    • まず子供たちを逃がせ
    • Let the children go first.
    • まず必要なのは資金です
    • We need funds 「above all [before anything else]./The first thing we need is money.
  1. 2〔ともかく,何はともあれ〕
    • まず一休みしませんか
    • Well, how about taking a break?
    • まず一安心
    • Well, we can breathe easier for the moment./We are safe for the moment, at any rate.
    • まずはお礼まで
    • 〔礼状の結び〕With many thanks,/Yours gratefully,(▼コンマをつけ,下に署名)
  1. 3〔たぶん,まあ大体〕
    • まず(は)大丈夫,うまく行くだろう
    • I am fairly [almost] sure everything will go well.
    • それならまず合格でしょう
    • 「That is sure to [There's no doubt that it will] pass muster.
    • そんな万能の人はまずいない
    • There's not likely to be anyone with such all-round talent.

