- ((show)) good will;favor,《英》 favour;〔親切〕kindness ((to, toward(s)))
好意的 favorable,《英》 favourable
- 好意的な返事をする
- give a favorable answer
- 好意的な態度を見せる
- show a friendly attitude
- 物事を好意的に見る
- look on a matter favorably
- 人の好意に甘える
- take advantage of 「a person [a person's goodwill]
- 彼に好意を持っている
- I feel kindly [friendly] toward(s) him./I regard him kindly.
- 彼女はあの人に好意を寄せている
- She feels affection for him.
- 彼の仕事に好意を持っている
- I am sympathetic to(ward) his work.
- 彼の好意を無にしてはいけない
- You must appreciate his kindness.
- 私の好意が無になった
- My good intentions 「came to naught [were (all) in vain].
- 好意で言ったことだ.悪くとるな
- He said it out of kindness. Don't take it badly.