1. 〔賞品・賞金をかけること〕a prize contest [competition];〔賞品〕a prize;〔報奨〕a reward
    • 懸賞を付ける
    • offer a prize [reward/bounty] ((for a thing))/〔犯人逮捕などに〕set a price [bounty] ((on a criminal's head))
    • 懸賞に当たる
    • win a prize ((in a contest))
    • 懸賞付き短編小説コンクール
    • a short story contest with a prize for the winner
  1. 懸賞金prize money; a prize
    • 力士は懸賞金を誇らしげに受け取った
    • The sumo wrestler accepted the prize money proudly.
    • お尋ね者に1万ドルの懸賞金がかかっている
    • A reward of 10,000 dollars is being offered for the wanted man.
  1. 懸賞広告an advertisement offering prizes
  1. 懸賞小説〔当選した作品〕a prizewinning novel
    • 懸賞小説の応募作品は20もあった
    • There were as many as twenty entries for the novel contest.
  1. 懸賞当選者a prizewinner
    • 懸賞論文に応募する
    • enter an essay contest

