1. 〔発表〕an announcement

    披露する announce

    • 開店披露
    • an announcement of the opening of a store
    • 皆様に私の取って置きの芸を披露しましょう
    • I will 「show you my special trick [demonstrate my special trick for you].
    • 結婚披露宴
    • ((hold)) a wedding reception [banquet]/《英》 a wedding breakfast(▼昼間の会食)
    • 結婚披露宴への招待状
    • an invitation to a wedding reception
    • 彼らはそのホテルで結婚披露宴を行った
    • They held the wedding reception at the hotel.
    • 就任披露宴
    • a reception held in commemoration of one's appointment
    • 襲名披露宴
    • a reception held to celebrate an actor's succession to a (stage) name

