1. 1〔近くで待つ〕wait
    • 使者が次の間に控えている
    • The messenger is waiting in the next room.
    • 彼の後ろに看護師が控えていた
    • A nurse was standing in attendance behind him.
  1. 2〔近くにある〕
    • 南に湖水を控えた家
    • a house facing a lake to the south
    • 彼の別荘は後ろに山を控えている
    • There is a mountain behind his country cottage.
  1. 3〔目前にする〕
    • 試合を目前に控え,彼らはそわそわしている
    • With the match near at hand, they are restless.
  1. 4〔抱えている〕
    • その会社には幾多の難問題が控えている
    • The company has many difficulties to contend with.
  1. 5〔止める,見合わせる〕refrain, restrain oneself, keep ((from))
    • 勝手な発言は控えてください
    • Please 「don't talk [refrain from speaking] without permission.
    • 車内での通話はお控えください
    • Please refrain from talking on the phone in the train.
    • 彼の死を両親に知らせることを控えていた
    • We kept the death of their son from the parents.
  1. 6〔少なめにする〕
    • 父は酒を控えている
    • My father has cut back on the amount he drinks.
    • 塩分を控えなさい
    • Cut down on your intake of salt.
  1. 7〔書き留める〕write down; note
    • 彼の住所を尋ねて手帳に控えた
    • I asked his address and 「wrote it down [made a note of it] in my pocket notebook.

