1. 1〔時間が前である〕early
    • 朝早いうちに出発した
    • We departed early in the morning.
    • いつもより2時間早く帰ってきた
    • He came home two hours earlier than usual.
  1. 2〔その時期になっていない〕
    • 結果を発表するのはまだ早い
    • It would be premature to announce the results now.
    • 結婚を考えるのはまだ早い
    • It's too soon to be thinking about marriage.
    • 君がその本を読むのはまだ早いよ
    • You are not old enough to read that book.
    • 開演にはまだ早い
    • We have plenty of time before the curtain rises.
  1. 3〔時間が短い〕
    • できるだけ早く返事してください
    • Please give me your answer as soon as possible./〔特に手紙で〕Please answer at your earliest convenience.
    • 早く誕生日になるといいなあ
    • I wish my birthday would hurry up and come.
    • 早くとも1週間は掛かる
    • It will take at least a week.
    • 早くニュースが知りたい
    • I can't wait to hear the news.
  1. 4〔手っ取り早い〕
    • 手紙を書くより会ったほうが早い
    • It is easier to see him than to write to him.
    • 金を受け取るが早いか彼は部屋を飛び出した
    • No sooner had he received the money than he rushed out of the room.
    • 早いところ仕事をやってしまおう
    • Let's finish our job quickly.
    • 早い話が彼はだまされたという訳だ
    • In short [To make a long story short], he was deceived.
  1. 早い者勝ちFirst come, first served./((諺)) The early bird catches the worm.

