1. 1〔またがらせる〕
    • ロープを隅から隅へ渡す
    • stretch a rope from corner to corner
    • 小川に板を渡した
    • We laid a plank across the brook.
    • 川に新しく橋を渡した
    • A new bridge was built across [over] the river.
  1. 2〔船などで向こう側へ送る〕
    • 小舟で川を渡してあげよう
    • I will ferry you across the river.
  1. 3〔手渡す〕hand (over)
    • この包みを彼に渡してください
    • Please give [hand] him this parcel.
    • 辞表を社長に渡した
    • I handed (in) my resignation to the president.
    • お買いになった品は受け取りと引き換えにお渡しします
    • We will give you your purchase in exchange for the receipt.
    • 毎月15日に給料が渡される
    • The employees are paid on the fifteenth of every month.
    • 彼は不服そうに漫画本を先生に渡した
    • Reluctantly he handed (over) his comic book to the teacher.
    • 犯人を警察に渡した
    • They handed [turned] the criminal over to the police.
  1. 4〔譲る〕transfer
    • 彼は家を息子の手に渡した
    • He transferred [handed over] his house to his son.
    • 彼は会長の座をだれにも渡すまいとしている
    • He is trying to hang on to the post of president.
    • ついにとりでを敵の手に渡した
    • Finally they surrendered their fortress to the enemy.

