〔予告せずに〕without (previous) notice [warning];〔許可なしに〕without permission

    • 無断で解雇するなんてひどい
    • It is outrageous that they should dismiss me without (previous) notice [warning].
    • 家の人に無断で外泊した
    • She spent the night away from home 「without telling anyone in her family [without her parents' permission].
    • 無断でポスターを貼った
    • He put up posters without permission.
    • 無断で傘を借りてすみません
    • Excuse me for borrowing your umbrella without asking your permission.
    • 彼は無断で本を持っていった
    • He walked off with the book.
    • 無断で学校[授業]を休む[無断欠席をする]
    • 〔児童が〕play truant/〔学生が〕cut a class ⇒サボる
    • 無断立入禁止
    • 〔掲示〕No Trespassing
    • 無断欠勤
    • absence without due notice/〔許可なしの〕an unexcused [unauthorized] absence/〔軍隊の無断欠勤,無届け外出〕absence without leave ((略 AWOL))

