1. I〔百の年数〕a [one] hundred years; a century
  1. II〔多くの年数〕
    • 百年の知己を得た
    • I have found a true friend in him.
  1. 百年河清を待つwait for something which is most unlikely to happen
    • 国家百年の計を建てる
    • draw up a long-range plan for the nation
    • 彼女と結婚したのは百年の不作だった
    • It was an irreparable mistake to marry her./My marriage with her has been the ruin of me.
  1. 百年祭《米》 a centennial (anniversary),((主に英)) a centenary
    • ピカソ生誕100年祭
    • the centennial [centenary] of Picasso's birth
    • ここで会ったのが百年目だ
    • Now that I've seen you here, you're done for [finished].

