1. a portable shrine
    A mikoshi is a sacred palanquin in which a kami (Shinto deity or spirit) rides at the time of a Shinto festival. This palanquin is shaped like a miniature Shinto shrine building, with a carving of a phoenix or an onion-shaped dome on the top of its roof. A divine mirror, the embodiment of the kami, is placed inside the main section of the mikoshi, which is attached to two long poles, one on each side. Scores of parishioners get a shoulder under one of the poles and combine to carry the mikoshi through the streets of the local area, parading with bounce and vigor.
    • みこしを担ぐ
    • carry a portable shrine (on one's shoulder)
  1. みこしを上げる1〔立ち上がる〕stand up; rise
  2. みこしを上げる2〔立ち去る〕take one's leave
  3. みこしを上げる3〔いよいよ行動を起こす〕go into action
    • さあ,みこしを上げていい時だ
    • It's high time you got going.
  1. みこしを据えるsit down; settle down; plant oneself in a chair
    • みこしを据えて仕事にかかる
    • settle [get] down to work

