1. ((make)) an error ((in));a mistake ((about, in))
    • 業務上過失
    • professional negligence
    • 大きな[小さな]過失を犯す
    • make a gross [slight] mistake/commit a gross [slight] error
    • 彼は自分の過失だと認めた
    • He admitted that 「it was his fault [he was to blame].
    • その殺人は過失か故意か決め手がない
    • There is no way of telling whether that killing was accidental or intentional.
  1. 過失傷害(罪)accidental [unintentional] infliction of injury
  1. 過失致死(罪)(an) accidental homicide; (an) involuntary manslaughter
    • 業務上過失致死の疑いで逮捕された
    • He was arrested on suspicion of professional negligence resulting in death.
  1. 過失犯criminal negligence

