1. いご(以後)
    • 3日以降
    • on and after the third
    • 1960年以降
    • from 1960 onward(s)
  1. a rack for hanging kimono
  1. 〔権勢〕influence ((over, on));〔権威〕authority ((over; to do));〔権力〕power ((over))
    • 彼は父親の威光をかさに着ている
    • He throws his weight around only because his father is such an influential man.
    • 先生の生徒に対する威光は大したものだった
    • The teacher had great authority over his pupils.
    • 富の威光
    • the power of wealth
  1. a switchover, a shift ((to))
    • 新制度への移行は円滑に行われた
    • The switchover [shift] (from the old) to the new system was 「carried out [《文》 effected] smoothly.
    • このテストでは紙媒体の形式からインターネットを利用する形式へ徐々に移行中だ
    • We have been gradually changing [switching] our tests from paper to an Internet-based system.
    • 当社は減速経営に移行した
    • Our company shifted to a slow-growth policy.
  1. 移行措置transition measures; special measures in force during a transition period
  1. 移行経済an economy in transition; a shifting economy
  1. 〔数学で〕transposition ((of a term))

    移項する transpose

    • 医学で偉功を立てる
    • render distinguished services in medicine
  1. 〔意図〕an intention ((of; to do));〔考え〕an idea ((for, of; that)),views;〔願望〕wishes ((for; to do; that))
    • 先方の意向を打診していただけませんか
    • 「Could you sound out [May I ask you to find out] what the other party intends [wants] to do?
    • 両親の意向に従い私は米国留学を断念した
    • Obeying my parents' wishes, I gave up the idea of going to study in the United States.
    • 契約を更新する意向はない
    • He has no intention of renewing the contract.
    • この本は川井氏の遺稿集です
    • This book is a collection of Mr. Kawai's posthumous works.
  1. rest; take a rest
    • 公園の木陰に憩う
    • take [have] a rest 「in the shade [under a tree] in a park
    • 泉のほとりに憩う旅人
    • a traveler resting by a spring

