1. a gun
    • 鮮やかなガンさばきを見せた
    • He handled his gun skillfully.
    • 眼を付けたと言ってやくざにゆすられそうになった
    • Saying that I had given him a malicious look, a hoodlum tried to shake me down.
  1. a wild goose ((複 - geese))
    • 後ろのがんが先になる
    • He who was last often comes in first.
  1. I(a) cancer(▼冠詞はまれ)
    • 胃がん
    • cancer of the stomach/stomach [gastric] cancer
    • がんの早期発見
    • early detection of cancer
    • 直腸にがんができた
    • Amalignant tumor [malignancy] has grown [developed] in the rectum.
    • 集団検診で胃がんが見つかった
    • Tests done during a group medical checkup 「detected cancer in my stomach [showed that I had stomach cancer].
    • がんの疑いがあるなら告知してほしい
    • I wish to be told if there is a suspicion of cancer.
    • 手術でがんを取り除いた
    • I had surgery to remove the cancer.
    • がんが転移した[広がった/消えた]
    • His cancer has metastasized [spread/disappeared].
    • がんが小さくなった
    • The (cancerous) tumor has shrunk.
    • 乳がんが治った
    • She recovered from breast cancer.
    • がんが再発した
    • She had a recurrence of cancer.
  1. II〔禍根〕a cancer; a curse
    • それが我が国の政治のがんだ
    • It is a cancer on our government.
  1. 癌遺伝子a carcinogenic gene
  1. 癌化a cancerous change of normal cells
  2. 癌化がん化する become cancerous
    • がん検診を受ける
    • undergo 「an examination [a test] for cancer
  1. 癌告知informing a patient that he [she] has cancer
  1. 癌細胞cancer cells
  1. 癌腫瘍a malignant [cancerous] tumor
    • 国立がんセンター
    • the National Cancer Center
  1. 癌保険cancer insurance
  1. 癌抑制遺伝子a cancer [tumor] suppressor gene
  1. 癌予防薬a cancer prevention drug
  1. a prayer
    • 神に願を掛ける
    • pray to God [a god] for help in achieving a goal
    • 彼女は夫の病気が治るようにと,おいなり様に願を掛けた
    • She offered prayers at the Inari Shrine for her husband's recovery.
    • 願がかなった
    • His prayer was answered.
  1. 〔一撃〕conk;〔ぶつかる音〕bang(▼擬音語)
    • がんとフックを1発食らって沈んだ
    • He took [got hit with] a hook and went down.
    • 彼は車をがんと電柱にぶつけた
    • He ran his car smack into an electric light pole.
    • 審美眼
    • an eye for beauty [the beautiful]
    • 彼は絵の鑑賞眼がない
    • He has no eye for paintings.

