1. かたち(形)
  1. 形状記憶合金a shape-memory alloy
  1. 形状記憶樹脂shape-memory resin
  1. an execution ground
    • 刑場の露と消えた
    • He 「died on the scaffold [was executed].

    計上する 〔全体の中に含めて数え上げる〕add up;〔割り当てる〕appropriate

    • 新図書館のため10億円が予算に計上された
    • One billion yen has been appropriated [earmarked] (in the budget) for the new library.

    経常の working; ordinary

  1. 経常外損益non-recurring profit and loss
  1. 経常勘定〔貿易で〕a current account
  1. 経常歳出ordinary expenditure
  1. 経常歳入ordinary revenue
  1. 経常収支a current balance
  1. 経常費working [running] expenses;《米》 operating expenses
  1. 経常予算a working budget
  1. 経常利益ordinary [recurrent] profit

    警乗する ride ((on a train)) as a guard; police ((a train, a boat))


