欠航する 〔船が〕do not sail;〔飛行機が〕do not fly

    • 欠航にする
    • cancel 「a ship [a flight]
    • 今度の成田発は欠航になる
    • The next flight from Narita has been canceled.

    欠講する cancel 「a lecture [a class] ⇒きゅうこう(休講)

  1. blood circulation; the circulation of the blood
    • 血行がよい[悪い]
    • have normal [poor/bad] blood circulation
    • 血行をよくする
    • improve the circulation of the blood

    決行する carry out (resolutely)

    • 隊は明朝登頂を決行することにした
    • The party has decided to carry out the climb to the summit tomorrow morning.
    • 試合は雨天にもかかわらず決行された
    • 「The game was held [They went ahead with the game] in spite of the rain.
    • 従業員はスト決行中だ
    • The employees are on strike.
  1. 1〔構え,構造〕
    • 創作の結構
    • the structure [construction] of a creative work
  1. 2〔申し分ない〕
    • 結構な贈り物
    • a wonderful present
    • 結構な出来栄えの焼物
    • pottery of excellent workmanship
    • 結構なご身分ですね
    • You are really in an enviable position.
    • 結構なお味です
    • It's delicious [very good].
  1. 3〔間に会う,満足である〕
    • 今の給料で結構です
    • I'm (quite) content with my present salary.
    • この部屋で結構です
    • This room is good enough for me.
    • 500円[日曜日]でも結構です
    • 「Five hundred yen [Sunday] will do.
    • 「明日お返事すればよろしいでしょうか」「結構ですとも」
    • “Will it be all right if I give you my answer tomorrow?”“Certainly.”
    • お元気で結構です
    • I'm glad to find you in good health.
  1. 4〔十分なので不要である〕
    • 「もう一ついかが」「いや,もう結構(たくさん頂きました)」
    • “Won't you have one more? ”“No, thank you. (I've had plenty.)”
    • 駅まで出迎えてくださらなくて結構です
    • 「You don't need [Please don't bother] to meet me at the station.
  1. 5〔かなり,おおむね〕
    • 子供は結構楽しそうだった
    • The child seemed to be quite happy.
    • その本は結構面白かった
    • The book was fairly [《口》 pretty] interesting.
    • あれでまだ結構間に合います
    • It's still good enough.
    • 結構食べられます
    • It's pretty good!
    • 彼は結構いける口だ
    • He can drink quite a bit.
    • そういう人が結構いるんだ
    • There are a lot of people like that.
    • ああ見えても結構面白い人ですよ
    • He may not look it, but he is quite witty.
    • 何もかも結構ずくめだった
    • Everything was just perfect.

