県下の[で] of [in] the prefecture

  1. 〔口論〕a quarrel;〔やかましい口論〕a row [ráu];〔つまらないことでの〕a squabble;〔論戦による〕a dispute;〔特に人目につく所での騒がしいけんか〕a brawl;〔腕力あるいは言葉による戦い〕a fight;〔格闘〕a scuffle

    けんかする 〔口論する〕quarrel ((with));〔争う〕fight ((with))

    • 兄弟げんか
    • a quarrel between brothers
    • 夫婦げんか
    • a quarrel between husband and wife/a domestic quarrel
    • 仕事のことで父と大げんかした
    • I had a terrible quarrel [argument] with my father about my job.
    • 男の子たちが路上で殴り合いのけんかをしている
    • Some boys are fighting [having a fistfight] in the street.
  1. 喧嘩両成敗In a quarrel [fight], both parties are to blame.
  1. 喧嘩を売るpick [provoke] a fight ((with a person));provoke ((a person)) to a quarrel
  1. 喧嘩を買うaccept a challenge; take up a quarrel
    • けんか腰で怒鳴った
    • He shouted in a defiant manner.
    • 彼はいつもけんか腰だ
    • He is always looking for a fight.
  1. 喧嘩早いquarrelsome
    • けんか早い男だ
    • He's always spoiling for a fight.
    • ガールフレンドとけんか別れをした
    • He broke up with his girlfriend after a quarrel.
  1. 喧嘩四つ〔相撲で〕kenkayotsu; a sumo bout between two wrestlers who both struggle to get an advantageous underarm belt grip on the same side
  1. a floral tribute
    • 霊前にはたくさんの献花が供えられた
    • Many flowers were offered to the spirit of the deceased.
    • 無名戦士の墓に献花する
    • lay flowers [a wreath] on the tomb of the unknown soldier(▼wreathは花輪)
  1. saponification
    • 油脂を鹸化させて石鹸を作る
    • saponify fat to make soap
  1. 鹸化反応a saponification reaction

