1. a vigorous [strong] young man
    • 軍縮路線を堅持する
    • adhere [stick] to a policy of disarmament
    • 楽観的見解を堅持する
    • maintain [hold fast to] an optimistic view
  1. a public prosecutor;〔総称〕the prosecution
  1. 検事控訴a public prosecutor's appeal ((to))
  1. 検事正the chief public prosecutor
  1. 検事総長the public prosecutor general;《米》 the attorney general,《英》 the director of public prosecutions
  1. 検事長a superintendent public prosecutor
  1. 検事補〔日本の副検事〕an assistant public prosecutor;〔米国の〕an assistant district attorney(▼州の地方検事補),an assistant U.S. (district) attorney(▼連邦検事補)
  1. a dedication
  1. (a) revelation; (a) manifestation

    顕示する show; reveal

  1. 自己顕示自己顕示

