恒温の homoiothermal ⇒ていおん(定温)

  1. 恒温動物a homoiotherm; a homoiothermal animal
  1. 1〔高い音〕a high-pitched tone, a high note;〔高い声〕soprano
  1. 2〔大きい音〕 ((make; produce)) a loud sound
  1. 高音部〔音楽で〕treble; soprano
  1. 高音部記号〔音楽で〕the treble clef; the G clef; the violin clef
  1. a high temperature
    • この地方は夏は概して高温である
    • The temperature is generally high [It is generally very hot] in this region in summer.
    • この国の高温多湿には参った
    • We suffered from the high temperatures and humidity in this country.
  1. 高温ガス炉a high-temperature gas-cooled reactor ((略 HTGR))
  1. 高温計a pyrometer
  1. 高温殺菌high-temperature sterilization

