公設の public;〔市営の〕municipal

    • 公設の病院
    • a hospital supported by public funds
  1. 公設市場a municipally-run market
  1. 公設機関a publicly-funded institution
  1. 公設質屋a municipally-run [state-owned] pawnshop
  1. 公設秘書a secretary provided at public expense (for a Diet member)
  1. (degree of) skill [proficiency];〔職人などの〕(quality of) workmanship
    • 巧拙によって賃金を考慮します
    • Wages will be paid according to ability./Skill is taken into account in determining wages.
  1. hearsay; (a) rumor,《英》 (a) rumour
    • 巷説によれば彼は自殺した由
    • 「It is rumored [There is a rumor] that he killed himself.
    • 昨夜は20センチの降雪があった
    • 「There was a snowfall of 20 centimeters [Twenty centimeters of snow fell] last night.
  1. 降雪量(the amount of) snowfall
    • ご高説を伺いたいものです
    • I would like to hear [know] your opinion.

