• 広壮な邸宅
    • a magnificent residence/a stately mansion

    好走する run well; make a good run

    • この試合では彼の好走が目立った
    • His fine running really stood out in this game.
    • レフトが好走して大飛球を捕った
    • The left fielder raced for the long fly ball and caught it.
  1. 〔競争,張り合い〕rivalry;〔闘争〕contention, strife, (a) struggle
    • 内部の[派閥]抗争
    • internal [factional] strife
    • 主導権をめぐって抗争の連続だった
    • There was a constant struggle for leadership.
  1. 1〔前線から後方へ〕後送する send back [to the rear]
    • 重傷兵は後送された
    • Seriously wounded soldiers were sent to the rear.
  1. 2〔後から〕後送する send later (on)

    航走する sail;〔汽船が〕steam

    • 追い風[向かい風]をうけて航走する
    • sail before [against] the wind
  1. 航走馬力brake horsepower ((略 bhp))
  1. 航走力speed
  1. a high-ranking priest;〔知・徳に優れた僧〕a learned and virtuous priest
  1. 高層雲an altostratus ((複 -ti));an altostratus cloud
  1. 高層観測upper-air observation; substratospheric observation
  1. 高層気流an upper air current
  1. 高層建築[ビル]a high-rise building; a skyscraper
  1. 高層住宅a high-rise apartment building
  1. 高層団地a high-rise housing development
  1. 高層天気図an upper-level weather chart
  1. an ore bed
  1. 〔計画〕 ((draw up)) a plan;〔綿密な計画〕a design;〔着想〕a conception
    • 論文の構想を練る
    • work out a detailed plan for one's thesis
    • 新しい都市交通システムの構想を持っている
    • He has a design for a new urban transportation system.
    • その小説の構想は実に雄大だ
    • The novel is truly grand in conception.

