• 昔ながらの工法で
    • using a time-tested method of construction
    • シールド工法
    • the shield driving method ((of boring))
  1. public law
  1. 公法学者a publicist
  1. a bulletin; a newsletter
    • 選挙公報
    • an election bulletin
    • 彼の名が公報に載った
    • His name appeared [was published] in 「the gazette [the official report].
  1. public information; public relations(▼単数扱い) ((略 P.R.));publicity
  1. 広報課[部]a public relations section [department]
  1. 広報活動publicity work
  1. 広報誌a public relations magazine
    • 後方によりかかる
    • lean backward
    • 後方の山々は新緑に覆われていた
    • The mountains behind us were covered with fresh green leaves.
    • 家の後方の湖
    • the lake to the rear of the house
    • 後方から敵を攻撃する
    • engage [attack] the enemy 「in the rear [from behind]
  1. 後方一致検索a suffix search
  1. 後方支援((give)) logistical support ((to))
    • 後報によれば事故で3人負傷したそうだ
    • According to the latest report [news], three people were injured in the accident.
    • 後報を待っている
    • We are waiting for further news [reports/information/details].
  1. navigation
  1. a high peak

