1. a false belief; (a) misbelief
    • 彼の能力を誤信していた
    • We overrated his ability.
  1. a misdiagnosis ((複 misdiagnoses));a wrong diagnosis ((複 - diagnoses))

    誤診する make a wrong diagnosis; make an error in diagnosis

    • 医者は彼の病気を肺炎と誤診した
    • The doctor erroneously diagnosed his illness as pneumonia.
  1. 〔審判の〕a misjudg(e)ment;〔裁判の〕a miscarriage of justice;((declare)) a mistrial

    誤審する judge wrongly; misjudge

  1. self-protection; self-defense,《英》 self-defence
  1. 護身術the art of self-defense
  1. 護身刀a sword for self-protection

