1. divine right
    • 帝王神権説
    • (the theory of) the divine right of kings
  1. 神権政治theocracy
  1. I〔本当の剣〕a real sword
  1. II〔本気で取り組む様子〕真剣な serious

    真剣に 〔本気で〕seriously;〔熱心に〕in earnest, earnestly

    • 人生について真剣に考える
    • think seriously [earnestly] about life
    • 私は真剣です
    • I am serious [in earnest/《口》 in dead earnest]./I mean 「what I say [《口》 business].
    • いつも真剣さが足りない
    • He never takes things seriously enough.
  1. 真剣勝負〔真剣を使っての勝負〕a fight with real swords;〔本気で争うこと〕a game played in real earnest
  1. parental authority [rights];〔離婚後の養育の権利としての〕custody
    • 親権を行使する
    • exercise parental authority
    • 裁判所は母親に親権を与えた
    • The court gave custody of the child to the mother.
    • 親権をめぐる争い
    • a battle over child custody
  1. 親権者a person with parental authority [rights]

